Sunday, June 03, 2012

"It wasn't the first time..."

Complete the following story in 33 words:

‘It wasn’t the first time.’ 

(The five words are not to be included in your 33 words)

It wasn't the first time he forgot his wife's birthday, but it was the last time he heard about it, that is, from her pursed lips, somber eyes, because everyday, trudging the familiar, the streets themselves reminded him. 

You can find more information about this Trifecta writing challenge here.


Latitudes of a Day said...

I like this single sentence which conveys so much about the speaker and the conflict he find himself. To forget the wife's birthday speaks volumes.

Unknown said...

Well done Dan!

barbara said...

my entire family forgot my bday once...only once, though

Sandra said...

My Husband forgot our 15th wedding anniversary, but he felt worse than I did, so I didn't say a word. Sometimes life just gets busy, doesn't it?

Trifecta said...

I like how he internalized it the second time, while she let go of it.
Thanks for linking up. Please come back for the new prompt tomorrow.